✉️ Mailing Address
368 Broad Street, Suite 2, Newark, NJ 07104
🕑 Office Hours
By Appointment Only
🏢 Visitor Entrance
23 Spring Street, Newark, NJ
📞 Phone
(973) 624-6000
Rent Payments
rents@rock.properties (Ext. 108)
bookkeeper@rock.properties (Ext. 101)
Please see individual properties.
a@rock.properties (Ext. 102)
Where you live is your most important decision. Experience the good service, good deeds, and acts of kindness we provide every day. Enjoy passing that energy on to others. That’s Ataraxy. Expect Ataraxy with Rock Properties in your life.
Rock Properties applies our culture and mission of “Inspiring Our Neighbors” every day. Our staff understands that shelter is the most fundamental of needs, and almost all of our staff lives within company-owned properties. Each morning, we are there as residents embark on their day. Everyone on the staff hopes that the residents pass on to others the good service, good deeds, and acts of kindness that we provide every day. Our staff works hard to inspire residents so that they can then inspire others throughout the entire region.